About US

This is a Malaysia registered entity.

This is run and prepared by family members and very close friends only.
 Entity registered address is in CHAMPS-ELYSEES, Menara Agacia, Pavilion Avenue, Bandar Agacia, Kampar, Perak. MALAYSIA.
Email address: champselyseesbiz@gmail.com

What starts as a hobby.

Tame-Poodr literally meaning 'taste powder' in Persian language.
This is a pure organic healthy food taste enhancer and a thickener products.
This is NOT main course recipe powders but Add-On.
This particular Tame-Poodr are orginaly an ancient Persian recipes that was inherited by Ms Dhana, an accountant, from one of her inlaw's family member. This recipes was inherited by her inlaw's grans whom has shared from their grans. It's a ancient recipe handed down in family tradition preparation.
After about 14years living abroad, upon returning to Malaysia, with close family member, they decided of sharing the recipes with the world.

Together with her culinary experienced expert friend, Ms Behnaz (Dr-PhD, a Belgian of Persian descendant, living in Belgium), engaged in research to cultivate the recipe for the current world, without diluting the main purpose of this Tame-Poodr. Hence they came out with Tame-Poodr proceses and products. 
This is a home made products, done with care taken in sourcing, preparation and packing keeping best cleanliness and hygienically practicable. 


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