Tame-Poodr literally meaning 'taste powder' in Persian language.

The CHAMPS ELYSEES Biz's tame-poodr powders is produced from a blend of at least over 20 ingredients. These tame poodr products are made of spices and herbs only.
This are 100% free off any chemicals, colour and msg.
The ingredients like saffron were sourced from well trusted, best quality from available sources around the world, to...

Tame-poodr powders is prepared from a blend of at least over 20 ingredients of spices, nuts and herbs.
This are 100% free off any chemicals, colour and msg.
This is pure vegetable based preparation.

Spicy pumpkin soup works as a perfect pick-me-up during cold and rainy autumn days. Its orange color will make you smile and its rich flavor will make you fall in love. Combining it with different types of cheese, herbs and Tame-Poodr Taste Enhancer and Tame-Poodr Thickner powder . What works best is fresh sage and dried thyme. A garnish of...

Tame-Poodr Products :

Available in on-line store :

 Taste Enhancer 
Available in container size:

 a) small - 255ml  

b) medium 400ml         

Sauce/Gravy Thickener (with some spiciness) 

a) small - 255ml

b) medium 400ml    


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